• info@mdncl.com
  • +92 91 5844447
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Our commitment to professionalism, quality, and standards
is evident through our emblem and brand logo. “Meridian
Connections, The professionals in Global Trade” signifies
our management by experts, which include Chartered
Accountants, Masters in International Relations, Engineers,
and Masters in Management and Business Administration.
The essence of our commitment is encapsulated in our
brand logo, “The Pink Rock, Pure & Sure,” reflecting our
dedication to high-quality standards. We have attained
essential quality certifications even prior to our global
launch, clearly project our commitment to excellence:

We Provide delivery to most of the world.

ISO 22000 – 2018: Food Safety Management System
ISO 9001– 2015: Quality Management Systems for Manufacturing, processing, packing, and export of Himalayan Pink Salt Products
Halal: Halal Management System
HACCP: Assessed and registered against the provisions of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
BRC: British Retail Consortium Global Standards
GMP: Good Manufacturing Processes